How I’m Weathering the Pandemic, Sunday, January 31, 2021

It has been a challenging time, with emotional ups and downs during this pandemic. However, lockdown and quarantine finally took a toll during the new year: I began experiencing cabin fever, bouts of never ending restlessness, moments of complete anhedonia, and many nights of insomnia. While examining what was happening to me, I decided I didn’t want these situations to keep “happening to me.” I wanted to take back control of my days, so I actively searched for things to do to bring me some much needed relief and consolation. I wanted to share these tips with you, in case you find yourself in the same boat as I am.

  1. Walking long distances: I do my best thinking while I walk and walk and walk. I’m very lucky that I live near the beach, where I can take long walks while listening to the soft crash of the waves. I have also found that walking organizes my thoughts and even better, gets rid of the bouts of restlessness I’ve been experiencing in the new year.
  2. Reading many books at the same time: Now is the time to read, because let’s face it, there’s only so much Netflix and Amazon Prime Video you can consume. Plus watching too much TV dulls the mind. I have begun reading many books at the same time. Right now I’m reading Alice Hoffman’s Magic Lessons, a prequel to Practical Magic, which was made into a movie with Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock. It’s one of my all-time favorite movies. I am also reading Sue Grafton’s W is for Wasted because I love the adventures of my favorite gumshoe Kinsey Millhone. Finally, I’m reading a bit of history, which I seldom do. This final book is titled The Perfect Horse: The Daring U.S. Mission to Rescue the Priceless Stallions Kidnapped by the Nazis. It is fascinating. I didn’t know this but it turns out that Hitler stole the world’s finest purebreds during WW2 to breed an “equine master race.” I have also found that reading many books at the same time helps your creativity and helps you make connections between topics that at first look seemingly unconnected.
  3. Taking an online class. Now is not only the time to read, it is also the time to learn. I’m taking an online class on world religions, focusing on angels from the Jewish, Christian, Islam, Sufi, and Zoroastrian traditions, and it is exhilarating. Did you know that Gabriel is the only angel mentioned in the Hebrew Bible? I had no idea! The class meets once a week for two hours in the late evenings and is serving as both a respite and an oasis from the grim landscape of the pandemic.
  4. Re-learning a foreign language. I’m bilingual in Spanish and English and took French in high school. However, while I can still read French, I want to up my game in the language by re-learning how to write it and speak it. So I bought two books on Amazon. One is geared towards kids and is marvelous. It’s a vocabulary builder and it comes with pictures of seasons, weather, animals, furniture, utensils, and other fun stuff. The other book is for adults and is geared toward conversational French. Every night, I do a little bit of French before going to bed.
  5. Learning how to knit. I have attempted to learn a new hobby and succeeded: knitting! I love it. It’s occupational therapy. I watched a few videos on YouTube, ordered yarn on Amazon and I’m well on my way to my first scarf. Knitting is like walking: I’ve found that it organizes my thoughts and gives my restlessness a repository in which to live.
  6. Staying actively connected to friends. While I know that there are people out there who are going to restaurants and cafés to meet their friends, I’m taking lockdown pretty seriously. As a result, I am actively Zooming with friends from all around the world to stay in touch. I am actively keeping these friendships healthy and strong because we all need each other during this difficult time.
  7. Meditation. I finally gave in and got a subscription. I practice meditation every night. I suck at it, but I’m hoping I will get better with practice.

I hope these ideas are helpful to you during this pandemic. I had to do a lot of soul searching and look for things that were a balm to my soul while I worked remotely for a company based out of California. And of course, I now take things day by day. I try not to think too much about the future because I become overwhelmed with crippling anxiety. Each day is a blessing and if I get through it ok with my coping tools, I am doing ok. Blessings.

3 thoughts on “How I’m Weathering the Pandemic, Sunday, January 31, 2021”

  1. Me encantó…y me identifiqué con mucho de lo q experimentas.


    Samuel García Angeli
    Sent from my mobile device. Please excuse any typos.



  2. DearSofia,

    How good to hear from you tho not such good news about how you are weathering. It has been a long haul. I’ve also been very alone and trying to avoid feeling bad, which makes things worse! Best to feel what we feel and allow the mind to know what it knows,,,that this too shall pass, in one form or another. I do have hammily in telephone contact and a few sporadic visits from them, but it is not an easy time. Nevertheless, interesting, apart from politicos and extremists, how much nicer people are to one another, strangers I mean. Much more helpful and warm.

    Are you in Puerto Rico or Spain now? Send me a persona flare.

    All will be well.



    Patty de Llosa

    Patty de Llosa, author of Awakening Body Consciousness and The Practice of Presence, teaches Tai Chi and is a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique.

    There is an inmost centre in us all, Where truth abides in fullness; and, to KNOW, Rather consists in opening up a way Whence the imprisoned splendor may escape Than in effecting entry for a light Supposed to be without.

    Robert Browning



  3. Sofia i will reread bc this is filled with so many healthy things. I thank you. You are truly very healthy.

    Sent from my iPhone Janie Messina



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